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Brightest Stars

The brightest stars in the night sky (listed below) are either some of our nearest neighbours or highly luminous stars that lie at greater distances. Sirius, the brightest star in the Earth’s sky, lies only 8.60 light years away and is one of the nearest stars to the Sun. With twice the Sun’s mass and a radius 1.711 times solar, it is 25.4 times more luminous than the Sun. Nicknamed the Dog Star, it lies in the constellation Canis Major.

Other first-magnitude stars (stars brighter than magnitude +1.50) located within 30 light years (9.19 parsecs) of Earth are Alpha Centauri (4.37 ly), Vega (25 ly), Procyon (11.46 ly), Altair (16.73 ly), and Fomalhaut (25.13 ly). Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to Earth, is the third brightest point of light in the sky outside the solar system, after Sirius and Canopus. It lies in Centaurus constellation. Canopus, the second brightest star, is a highly luminous bright giant located at a distance of 310 light years in the constellation Carina. The giants Arcturus and Capella, the fourth and sixth brightest stars, are both intrinsically luminous and relatively close, at 36.7 and 42.9 light years.

brightest stars,sirius,canopus,alpha centauri

Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri — the three brightest stars in the sky, image: Wikisky

Other than Canopus, the first-magnitude stars that appear exceptionally bright because they are intrinsically luminous include the supergiants Rigel, Betelgeuse and Deneb, which lie approximately 860, 700, and 2,615 light years away respectively. Deneb, a white supergiant, is by far the most distant first-magnitude star. It has a luminosity about 196,000 times that of the Sun and an absolute magnitude of -8.38.

The greatest concentration of exceptionally bright stars is found around the constellation Orion, within 60 degrees of a point in the neighbouring constellation Monoceros (RA: 6h 30s, Dec.: 5° S). There are 11 stars brighter than magnitude 1.6 in this region: Betelgeuse and Rigel in Orion, Pollux and Castor in Gemini, Aldebaran in Taurus, Regulus in Leo, Sirius and Adhara in Canis Major, Procyon in Canis Minor, Capella in Auriga, and Canopus in Carina. Six of them – Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel – form a prominent northern winter asterism known as the Winter Hexagon or Winter Circle. The red supergiant Betelgeuse, which lies near the centre of the asterism, forms a pattern known as the Winter Triangle with its bright neighbours Sirius and Procyon.

brightest stars in the sky

Brightest stars, image: Wikisky

Familiar star patterns like the Winter Circle make it easy to identify the stars and to find any deep objects that lie in the vicinity. Other asterisms containing first-magnitude stars include the Southern Cross, the Summer Triangle, and the Spring Triangle.

Largely invisible to northern observers, the Southern Cross is formed by the first-magnitude Acrux and Mimosa with Gacrux, Imai and Ginan. Commonly used to find the south celestial pole, the asterism is easily recognized both because it is bright and because it lies next to Alpha and Beta Centauri (Hadar), the third and 11th brightest stars in the sky.

brightest stars in the southern hemisphere

Brightest southern stars, image: Wikisky

Visible high overhead during the northern hemisphere summer, the Summer Triangle is formed by Deneb, Altair and Vega, the brightest stars of Cygnus, Aquila and Lyra constellations. The Northern Cross, formed by the brightest stars of Cygnus – Deneb, Sadr, Albireo, Aljanah and Fawaris – lies within the larger triangle asterism.

brightest stars in the northern hemisphere

Brightest northern stars, image: Wikisky

The Spring Triangle has its vertices at Arcturus, Spica and Regulus, the luminaries of the constellations Boötes, Virgo and Leo. Regulus is also part of the Sickle of Leo, an asterism that appears as a backward question mark and outlines the mane of Leo, while Arcturus and Spica also form the Great Diamond with Cor Caroli, the brightest star in Canes Venatici, and Denebola at the tail of Leo. Arcturus and Spica are easily found using the stars of the Big Dipper. The arc of the Dipper’s handle leads first to Arcturus and then to Spica. Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the Earth’s sky, Spica the 16th, and Regulus the 22nd.

The three brightest stars in the sky – Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri – all lie in the southern celestial hemisphere. While Sirius is visible from all but the northernmost locations (the Arctic Circle), Canopus never rises for observers living north of the latitude 37° 18’ N and Alpha Centauri is invisible to those north of the latitude 29° N. Other than Sirius, the brightest visible stars from locations in mid-northern latitudes are Arcturus, Vega and Capella, the three brightest stars of the northern sky. Achernar, the ninth brightest star, and Hadar, the 11th, never rise for observers in mid-northern latitudes. Achernar marks the end of the river in Eridanus constellation and Hadar is one of the two Southern Pointers, along with Alpha Centauri, in the constellation Centaurus.

The brightest stars in the sky change over time. Sirius became the brightest star about 90,000 years ago, taking over from Canopus, and will keep the title for another 210,000 years, when Vega takes over. Sirius will reach its maximum brightness at magnitude -1.64 in about 60,000 years, when it comes within 7.8 light years of the Sun.

Canopus was the brightest star in the sky three times in the last 5 million years and will be the brightest star again in 480,000 years, when it takes over from Vega. It will be succeeded by Menkalinan (Beta Aurigae) in about 990,000 years.

The brightest of the historical brightest stars in the last five million years were Adhara (Epsilon Canis Majoris), which peaked at magnitude -3.99 about 4,700,000 years ago, Mirzam (Beta Canis Majoris) which shone at magnitude -3.65 about 4,420,000 million years ago, Ascella (Zeta Sagittarii), which reached magnitude -2.74 about 1,200,000 years ago, Zeta Leporis, which peaked at magnitude -2.05 about 1,050,000 years ago, and Canopus (Alpha Carinae), which reached a visual magnitude of -1.86 about 3,110,000 years ago, when it came within 177 light years of the solar system. The bright giant has since moved to a distance of 310 light years and is still the second brightest star in the sky. Even though it is moving away, it will be the brightest star in the Earth’s sky once again and peak at magnitude -0.40 in 480,000 years, when it moves to a distance of 346 light years from Earth.

past and future brightest stars

Historical brightest stars, image: Wikimedia Commons/Tom Ruen

The only star that will shine brighter than Sirius in the next 5 million years is Delta Scuti, which will peak at magnitude -1.84. Currently located 202 light years away, the variable giant will succeed Menkalinan as the brightest star in about 1,150,000 years, when it comes within 10 light years of the solar system (if it maintains its current course and brightness). Delta Scuti will be succeeded by Eltanin (Gamma Draconis) in about 1,330,000 years, and Eltanin will reach its peak magnitude of -1.39 in 1,550,000 years, when it comes within 27.7 light years of the Sun. (Currently, it is 154.3 light years away.)

Even looking at the present alone, there is no definite list of the brightest stars in the sky. Different sources may give slightly different values for stars’ apparent magnitudes, and the stars themselves can vary in brightness, sometimes outshining other stars that are normally brighter and at other times dimming below their usual brightness.

Almost a half of the first-magnitude stars vary in brightness, if only very slightly. Vega (mag. -0.02 to 0.07), Capella (mag. 0.03 to 0.16) and Rigel (mag. 0.05 to 0.18), the sixth, seventh and eighth brightest stars respectively, occasionally trade places, and Aldebaran (mag. 0.75 to 0.95), Antares (mag. 0.6 to 1.6) and Spica (mag. 0.97 to 1.04), the 14th, 15th and 16th brightest stars, can appear equally bright. Other variable first-magnitude stars are Achernar (mag. 0.40 to 0.46), Betelgeuse (mag. 0.0 to 1.6), Deneb (mag. 1.21 to 1.29), and Mimosa (Becrux, mag. 1.23 to 1.31).


Below is the list of the 300 brightest stars in the sky. The apparent magnitude data is taken from the Hipparcos catalogue, even if more recent sources give slightly different values. Also provided are the stars’ Bayer or catalogue designations, distances, spectral classes and proper names. The names placed in brackets are the stars’ traditional names that have not been officially approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Apparent magnitudeDistance (light years)Spectral
1.   SiriusAlpha Canis Majoris   -1.468.60   A1V+DA
2.   CanopusAlpha Carinae   -0.73310   A9II
3.   Rigil KentaurusAlpha Centauri   -0.294.37   G2V+K1V
4.   ArcturusAlpha Boötis   -0.0536.7 ± 0.2   K0 III
5.   VegaAlpha Lyrae    0.0325.04 ± 0.07   A0Va
6.   CapellaAlpha Aurigae    0.0742.919 ± 0.049   K0III+G1III
7.   RigelBeta Orionis   0.15860 ± 80   B8Ia
8.   ProcyonAlpha Canis Minoris   0.3611.46 ± 0.05   F5IV-V + DQZ
9.   AchernarAlpha Eridani   0.45139 ± 3   B6 Vep
10.   BetelgeuseAlpha Orionis   0.55700   M2Ib
11.   HadarBeta Centauri   0.61390 ± 20   B1III
12.   AltairAlpha Aquilae   0.7716.73 ± 0.05   A7V
13.   AcruxAlpha Crucis   0.79320 ± 20   B0.5IV+B1V
14.   AldebaranAlpha Tauri   0.8665.3 ± 1.0   K5III
15.   AntaresAlpha Scorpii   0.95550   M1Ib+B4V
16.   SpicaAlpha Virginis   0.97250 ± 10   B1V
17.   PolluxBeta Geminorum   1.1433.78 ± 0.09   K0III
18.   FomalhautAlpha Piscis Austrini   1.1525.13 ± 0.09   A3V
19.   DenebAlpha Cygni   1.242,615 ± 215   A2Ia
20.   MimosaBeta Crucis   1.26280 ± 20   B1IV
21.   RegulusAlpha Leonis   1.3679.3 ± 0.7   B8 IVn
22.   AdharaEpsilon Canis Majoris   1.50430 ± 30   B1.5II
23.   CastorAlpha Geminorum   1.5851 ± 3   A1V+Am
24.   ShaulaLambda Scorpii   1.62570   B2IV
25.   GacruxGamma Crucis   1.6388.6 ± 0.4   M3.5III
26.   BellatrixGamma Orionis   1.64250 ± 10   B2V
27.   ElnathBeta Tauri   1.66134 ± 2   B7III
28.   MiaplacidusBeta Carinae   1.67113.2 ± 0.4   A1III
29.   AlnilamEpsilon Orionis   1.692,000   B0Ia
30.   AlnairAlpha Gruis   1.74101.0 ± 0.7   B6 V
31.   AlnitakZeta Orionis   1.771,260 ± 180   O9.5Iab + B1IV + B0III
32.   AliothEpsilon Ursae Majoris   1.7782.6 ± 0.4   A1III-IVpkB9
33.   MirfakAlpha Persei   1.80510 ± 10   F5Ib
34.   DubheAlpha Ursae Majoris   1.80123 ± 2   K0III+F0V
35.   (Regor)Gamma Velorum   1.811,096   WC8+O7.5III
36.   WezenDelta Canis Majoris   1.831,600   F8Ia
37.   Kaus AustralisEpsilon Sagittarii   1.84143 ± 2   B9.5III
38.   AlkaidEta Ursae Majoris   1.86103.9 ± 0.8   B3V
39.   SargasTheta Scorpii   1.86300   F1III
40.   AviorEpsilon Carinae   1.87610 ± 50   K3III+B2V
41.   MenkalinanBeta Aurigae   1.9081.1 ± 0.5   A1mIV+A1mIV
42.   AtriaAlpha Trianguli Australis   1.92391 ± 7   K2IIb-IIIa
43.   AlhenaGamma Geminorum   1.93109 ± 8   A1.5IV+
44.   PeacockAlpha Pavonis   1.93179 ± 5   B3V
45.   AlsephinaDelta Velorum   1.9580.6 ± 0.8   A1Va(n)+ F7.5V
46.   MirzamBeta Canis Majoris   1.98490 ± 20   B1II-III
47.   AlphardAlpha Hydrae   1.98177 ± 8   K3II-III
48.   PolarisAlpha Ursae Minoris   1.99323–433   F7Ib+F6V+F3V
49.   AlgiebaGamma Leonis   2.00130 ± 3   K0III+G7IIIb
50.   HamalAlpha Arietis   2.0165.8 ± 0.3   K2-IIIbCa-1
51.   DiphdaBeta Ceti   2.0496.3 ± 0.5   K0III
52.   NunkiSigma Sagittarii   2.05228 ± 5   B3V
53.   MenkentTheta Centauri   2.0658.8 ± 0.2   K0III
54.   AlpheratzAlpha Andromedae   2.0797 ± 1   B8IV-VHgMn
55.   MirachBeta Andromedae   2.07197 ± 7   M0IIIa
56.   SaiphKappa Orionis   2.07650 ± 30   B0.5Ia
57.   KochabBeta Ursae Minoris   2.07130.9 ± 0.6   K4III
58.   TiakiBeta Gruis   2.07177 ± 4   M5III
59.   RasalhagueAlpha Ophiuchi   2.0848.6 ± 0.8   A5IVnn
60.   AlgolBeta Persei   2.0990 ± 3   B8V+K0IV+A7m
61.   AlmachGamma Andromedae   2.10350 ± 30 K3II+B9.5V/B9.5V+A0V
62.   DenebolaBeta Leonis   2.1435.9 ± 0.2   A3Va
63.   (Tsih, Navi)Gamma Cassiopeiae   2.15550 ± 10   B0.5IVe
64.   (Muhlifain)Gamma Centauri   2.20130 ± 1   A0III+A0III
65.   NaosZeta Puppis   2.211,080 ± 40   O4I(n)fp
66.   AspidiskeIota Carinae   2.21690 ± 70   A8Ib
67.   AlpheccaAlpha Coronae Borealis   2.2275.0 ± 0.5   A0V+G5V
68.   SuhailLambda Velorum   2.23545 ± 10   K4Ib
69.   MizarZeta Ursae Majoris   2.2382.9 ± 0.6   A2V+A2V+A1V
70.   SadrGamma Cygni   2.231,800   F8Iab
71.   SchedarAlpha Cassiopeiae   2.24228 ± 2   K0II
72.   EltaninGamma Draconis   2.24154.3 ± 0.7   K5III
73.   MintakaDelta Orionis   2.251,200   (O9.5II+B1V+B0IV) + B3V
74.   CaphBeta Cassiopeiae   2.2854.7 ± 0.3   F2III
75.Epsilon Centauri   2.29430 ± 30   B1III
76.   DschubbaDelta Scorpii   2.29470   B0.3IV
77.   LarawagEpsilon Scorpii   2.2963.7 ± 0.3   K1III
78.   UridimAlpha Lupi   2.30460 ± 10   B1.5III
79.Eta Centauri   2.33306 ± 6   B2Ve
80.   MerakBeta Ursae Majoris   2.3479.7 ± 0.3   A1IVps
81.   IzarEpsilon Boötis   2.35203 ± 8   K0II-III+A2V
82.   EnifEpsilon Pegasi   2.38690 ± 20   K2Ib
83.   (Girtab)Kappa Scorpii   2.39480 ± 10   B1.5III
84.   AnkaaAlpha Phoenicis   2.4085 ± 2   K0.5IIIb
85.   PhecdaGamma Ursae Majoris   2.4183.2 ± 0.8   A0Ve+K2V
86.   SabikEta Ophiuchi   2.4388 ± 2   A1IV+A1IV
87.   ScheatBeta Pegasi   2.44196 ± 2   M2III
88.   AludraEta Canis Majoris   2.452,000   B5Ia
89.   AlderaminAlpha Cephei   2.4549.05 ± 0.08   A8Vn
90.   MarkebKappa Velorum   2.47570 ± 30   B2IV
91.   AljanahEpsilon Cygni   2.4872.7 ± 0.2   K0III
92.   MarkabAlpha Pegasi   2.49133 ± 1   A0IV or B9III
93.   MenkarAlpha Ceti   2.54249 ± 8   M1.5IIIa
94.   (Han)Zeta Ophiuchi   2.54366 ± 8   O9.5V
95.   LeepwalZeta Centauri   2.55382 ± 6   B2.5IV
96.   ZosmaDelta Leonis   2.5658.4 ± 0.3   A5IV(n)
97.   Acrab (Graffias)Beta Scorpii   2.56400 ± 40   B1V+B2V
98.   ArnebAlpha Leporis   2.582,200 ± 200   F0Ib
99.   (Ma Wei)Delta Centauri   2.58410 ± 20   B2Vne
100.   GienahGamma Corvi   2.58154 ± 1   B8III
101.   AscellaZeta Sagittarii   2.6088 ± 2   A2.5Va
102.   ZubeneschamaliBeta Librae   2.61185 ± 2   B8V
103.   UnukalhaiAlpha Serpentis   2.6374.0 ± 0.3   K2III
104.   SheratanBeta Arietis   2.6459.6 ± 0.8   A5V
105.   ZubenelgenubiAlpha Librae   2.6474.9 ± 0.7   F3V+kA2hA5mA4IV-V
106.   PhactAlpha Columbae   2.65261 ± 8   B9Ve
107.   MahasimTheta Aurigae   2.65166 ± 1   A0pSi+F2-5V
108.   KrazBeta Corvi   2.65146 ± 1   G5II
109.   RuchbahDelta Cassiopeiae   2.6699.4 ± 0.4   A5III
110.   MuphridEta Boötis   2.6837.2 ± 0.5   G0IV
111.   (Kekouan, Ke Kwan)Beta Lupi   2.68383 ± 8   B2III
112.   HassalehIota Aurigae   2.69490 ± 30   K3II-III
113.Mu Velorum   2.69117 ± 2   G6III
114.Alpha Muscae   2.69315 ± 3   B2 IV–V
115.   LesathUpsilon Scorpii   2.70580 ± 20   B2IV
116.   (Ahadi)Pi Puppis   2.71810 ± 70   K3Ib+B5+
117.   Kaus MediaDelta Sagittarii   2.72348 ± 7   K2II
118.   TarazedGamma Aquilae   2.72395 ± 8   K3II
119.   Yed PriorDelta Ophiuchi   2.73171 ± 1   M0.5III
120.   AthebyneEta Draconis   2.7392.1 ± 0.2   G8III
121.Theta Carinae   2.74460 ± 10   B0V
122.   PorrimaGamma Virginis   2.7438.1 ± 0.3   F0V+F0V
123.   HatysaIota Orionis   2.752,300   O9III+B0.8III/IV
124. KulouIota Centauri   2.7558.8 ± 0.2   A2V
125.   CebalraiBeta Ophiuchi   2.7681.8 ± 0.3   K2III
126.   CursaBeta Eridani   2.7889 ± 1   A3III
127.   KornephorosBeta Herculis   2.78139 ± 3   G7IIIa
128.   ImaiDelta Crucis   2.79345 ± 5   B2IV
129.   RastabanBeta Draconis   2.79380 ± 4   G2II
130.   Cor CaroliAlpha Canum Venaticorum   2.80120   A0pSiEuHg+F0V
131.Gamma Lupi   2.80420 ± 30   B2IV
132.   NihalBeta Leporis   2.81160 ± 1   G5III
133.   (Rutilicus)Zeta Herculis   2.8135.0 ± 0.2   F9IV+G7V
134.Beta Hydri   2.8224.33 ± 0.02   G2IV
135.   PaikauhaleTau Scorpii   2.82470 ± 40   B0.2V
136.   Kaus BorealisLambda Sagittarii   2.8278.2 ± 0.3   K0IV
137.   AlgenibGamma Pegasi   2.83390 ± 20   B2IV
138.   TureisRho Puppis   2.8363.5 ± 0.2   F5IIkF2IImF5II
139.Beta Trianguli Australis   2.8340.37 ± 0.08   F1 V
140.Zeta Persei   2.84750 ± 30   B1Ib
141.Beta Arae   2.84650   K3Ib-II
142.   (Choo)Alpha Arae   2.84270 ± 20   B2Vne
143.   AlcyoneEta Tauri   2.85440   B5IIIe
144.   VindemiatrixEpsilon Virginis   2.85109.6 ± 0.5   G8III
145.   Deneb AlgediDelta Capricorni   2.8538.70 ± 0.09   kA5hF0mF2III
146.   (Head of Hydrus)Alpha Hydri   2.8671.8 ± 0.7   F0IV
147.   FawarisDelta Cygni   2.86165 ± 4   B9.5III+F1V
148.   TejatMu Geminorum   2.87230 ± 10   M3III
149.Gamma Trianguli Australis   2.87184 ± 1   A1V
150. Lang-ExsterAlpha Tucanae   2.87200 ± 7   K3III
151.   AcamarTheta Eridani   2.88161 ± 4   A3IV-V
152.   AlbaldahPi Sagittarii   2.88510 ± 30   F2II
153.   GomeisaBeta Canis Minoris   2.89160 ± 10   B8Ve
154.   FangPi Scorpii   2.89590   B1V+B2V
155.Epsilon Persei   2.90640 ± 30   B0.5 V+
156.   AlniyatSigma Scorpii   2.90568   B1III
157.   AlbireoBeta Cygni   2.90430 ± 20   K2II+B8:p+B8Ve
158.   SadalsuudBeta Aquarii   2.90540 ± 20   G0Ib
159.Gamma Persei   2.91243 ± 9   G8III+A2V
160.Upsilon Carinae   2.921,400   A7Ib+B7III
161.   MatarEta Pegasi   2.93167 ± 2   G2II+F0V
162.Tau Puppis   2.94182 ± 4   K1III
163.   AlgorabDelta Corvi   2.9486.9 ± 0.4   A0IV(n)kB9
164.   SadalmelikAlpha Aquarii   2.95520 ± 20   G2Ib
165.   ZaurakGamma Eridani   2.97203 ± 7   M0III-IIIb
166.   TianguanZeta Tauri   2.97440   B2 IIIpe
167.   (Ras Elased Australis, Algenubi)Epsilon Leonis   2.97247 ± 3   G1II
168.   AlnaslGamma2 Sagittarii   2.9896.9 ± 0.5   K1III
169.Gamma Hydrae   2.99133.8 ± 0.8   G8III
170.Iota1 Scorpii   2.991,900 ± 200   F2Ia
171.   OkabZeta Aquilae   2.9983.0 ± 0.3   A0IV-Vnn
172.Beta Trianguli   3.00127 ± 2   A5IV
173.Psi Ursae Majoris   3.00144.5 ± 0.9   K1III
174.   PherkadGamma Ursae Minoris   3.00487 ± 8   A2III
175.   XamidimuraMu1 Scorpii   3.00500   B1.5V+B6.5V
176.   AldhanabGamma Gruis   3.00211 ± 9   B8IV-Vs
177.Delta Persei   3.01520 ± 40   B5III
178.   FurudZeta Canis Majoris   3.02362 ± 5   B2.5V
179.Omicron2 Canis Majoris   3.022,800   B3Ia
180.   (Minkar)Epsilon Corvi   3.02318 ± 5   K2+IIIa
181.   AlmaazEpsilon Aurigae   3.032,130-4,892   F0Ia
182.Beta Muscae   3.04340 ± 10   B2V+B3V
183.   SeginusGamma Boötis   3.0486.8 ± 0.3   A7IV+(n)
184.   DabihBeta Capricorni   3.05328   G9II:+B8p:Si:+ B9/A0III/IV
185.   MebsutaEpsilon Geminorum   3.06840 ± 40   G8Ib
186.   Tania AustralisMu Ursae Majoris   3.06230 ± 9   M0IIIab
187.   AltaisDelta Draconis   3.0797.4 ± 0.3   G9III
188.Eta Sagittarii   3.10146 ± 2   M2III
189.Zeta Hydrae   3.11167 ± 2   G8.5III
190.Nu Hydrae   3.11144 ± 1   K0/K1III
191.Lambda Centauri   3.11420 ± 20   B9III
192.   (Persian)Alpha Indi   3.1198.3 ± 0.5   K0III-IV
193.   WaznBeta Columbae   3.1287.2 ± 0.3   K1III_CN+1
194.   TalithaIota Ursae Majoris   3.1247.3 ± 0.1   F0IV-V+M3V+M4V
195.Zeta Arae   3.12490 ± 10   K3III
196.   SarinDelta Herculis   3.1275.1 ± 0.3   A1IVn
197.   (Ke Kwan)Kappa Centauri   3.13380 ± 20   B2IV
198.Alpha Lyncis   3.14203 ± 2   K6III
199.N Velorum   3.16239 ± 2   K5III
200.Pi Herculis   3.16377 ± 5   K3II
201. PipitNu Puppis   3.17370 ± 10   B8III
202.   (Al Haud)Theta Ursae Majoris   3.1743.96 ± 0.08   F6IV
203.   AldhibahZeta Draconis   3.17330 ± 10   B6III
204.Phi Sagittarii   3.17239 ± 3   B8III
205.   HaedusEta Aurigae   3.18243 ± 4   B3V
206. XamiAlpha Circini   3.1854.0 ± 0.1   A7VpSrCrEu
207.   TabitPi3 Orionis   3.1926.32 ± 0.04   F6V
208.Epsilon Leporis   3.19213 ± 3   K4III
209.Kappa Ophiuchi   3.1991.5 ± 0.5   K2III
210.   FuyueG Scorpii   3.19125.8 ± 0.7   K2III
211.Zeta Cygni   3.21143 ± 2   G8IIIa
212.   ErraiGamma Cephei   3.2144.9 ± 0.3   K1III-IV CN1
213.Delta Lupi   3.22900   B1.5IV
214.   Yed PosteriorEpsilon Ophiuchi   3.23106.4 ± 0.7   G9.5 IIIb
215.Eta Serpentis   3.2360.5 ± 0.2   K0III-IV
216.   AlfirkBeta Cephei   3.23690 ± 40   B1IV
217.Alpha Pictoris   3.2497 ± 5   A8VnkA6
218.   AntinousTheta Aquilae   3.24286 ± 6   B9.5III
219.Sigma Puppis   3.25194 ± 2   K5III
220.Pi Hydrae   3.25101.0 ± 0.5   K1III–IV
221.   BrachiumSigma Librae   3.25288 ± 6   M2.5III
222.   SulafatGamma Lyrae   3.25620 ± 30   B9III
223.Gamma Hydri   3.26214 ± 2   M1III
224.Delta Andromedae   3.27105.5 ± 0.5   K3III
225.Theta Ophiuchi   3.27436 ± 10   B2IV
226.   SkatDelta Aquarii   3.27113 ± 3   A3Vp
227.Mu Leporis   3.29186 ± 6   B9IV:HgMn
228.Omega Carinae   3.29342 ± 3   B8IIIe
229.   EdasichIota Draconis   3.29101.2 ± 0.3   K2III
230.Alpha Doradus   3.30169 ± 3   A0IIIp+B9IV
231.p Carinae   3.30480 ± 30   B4Vne
232.Mu Centauri   3.30510 ± 10   B2 IV-Ve
233.   PropusEta Geminorum   3.31380   M2IIIa
234.   RasalgethiAlpha Herculis   3.31360   M5Ib-II+G5III+F2V:
235.Gamma Arae   3.311,110 ± 60   B1Ib
236.Beta Phoenicis   3.32   G8III
237.   (Gorgonea Tertia)Rho Persei   3.32308 ± 7   M4 II
238.   MegrezDelta Ursae Majoris   3.3280.5 ± 0.3   A2Vn
239.Eta Scorpii   3.3273.5 ± 0.3    F5IV
240.Nu Ophiuchi   3.32151 ± 2   K0IIIa CN –1
241.Tau Sagittarii   3.32122 ± 4   K1III
242. RhombusAlpha Reticuli   3.33161.6 ± 0.8   G8IIIa:
243.   ChertanTheta Leonis   3.33165 ± 1   A2IV
244.   AzmidiXi Puppis   3.341,200 ± 90    G6Iab-Ib
245.   SeginEpsilon Cassiopeiae   3.35410 ± 20   B3V
246.   (Algjebbah)Eta Orionis   3.351,000   B1V+B2V
247.   AlzirrXi Geminorum   3.3558.7 ± 0.2   F5IV-V
248.   MuscidaOmicron Ursae Majoris   3.35179 ± 2   G4II–III
249.Delta Aquilae   3.3650.6 ± 0.8   F1IV-V(n)
250.Epsilon Lupi   3.37510   B2IV-V
251.   HezeZeta Virginis   3.3874.1 ± 0.3   A2Van
252.   AshleshaEpsilon Hydrae   3.38129 ± 5   G5III+F0V+F5
253.   MeissaLambda Orionis   3.391,100   O8III
254.q Carinae   3.39750 ± 70   K2.5II
255.   MinelauvaDelta Virginis   3.39198 ± 3   M3III
256.Zeta Cephei   3.39840 ± 20   K1.5Ib
257.   ChamukuyTheta2 Tauri   3.40157 ± 3   A7III
258.Gamma Phoenicis   3.41234 ± 6   M0III
259.Lambda Tauri   3.41480 ± 10   B3V+A4IV
260. HengNu Centauri   3.41437 ± 10   B2IV
261.Zeta Lupi   3.41117.3 ± 0.6   G7III
262.   (Al Kidr)Eta Cephei   3.4146.53 ± 0.07   K0IV
263.   HomamZeta Pegasi   3.41204 ± 2   B8V
264.   MothallahAlpha Trianguli   3.4263.3 ± 0.3   F5III
265.Eta Lupi   3.42440 ± 10   B2IV+A5Vp+F5V
266.Mu Herculis   3.4227.11 ± 0.04   G5IV
267.Beta Pavonis   3.42135.1 ± 0.9   A5IV or A7III
268.a Carinae (V357 Carinae)   3.43450 ± 20   B2IV-V
269.   AdhaferaZeta Leonis   3.43274 ± 4   F0III
270.   (Al Thalimain)Lambda Aquilae   3.43125 ± 4   B8.5V
271.   Tania BorealisLambda Ursae Majoris   3.45138 ± 5   A1IV
272.   SheliakBeta Lyrae   3.45960 ± 50   B6-8II
273.   AchirdEta Cassiopeiae   3.4619.42 ± 0.06   G0V+K7V
274.   (Deneb Algenubi)Eta Ceti   3.46123.9 ± 0.7   K1III
275.Chi Carinae   3.46450 ± 30   B3IVp
276.   (Princeps)Delta Boötis   3.46121.8 ± 0.7   G8III
277.   KaffaljidhmaGamma Ceti   3.4780 ± 1   A2Vn+F4V
278.Eta Leonis   3.481,270 ± 80   A0Ib
279.Eta Herculis   3.48112 ± 2   G7IIIFe-1
280.Tau Ceti   3.4911.905 ± 0.007   G8V
281.   UnurguniteSigma Canis Majoris   3.491,120 ± 70   K4III
282.   Alula BorealisNu Ursae Majoris   3.49399 ± 8   K3III
283.   NekkarBeta Boötis   3.49225 ± 2   G8IIIa
284.Alpha Telescopii   3.49278 ± 4   B3IV
285.Epsilon Gruis   3.49129 ± 2   A2IVn
286.Kappa Canis Majoris   3.50660 ± 20   B1.5Ve
287.   WasatDelta Geminorum   3.5060.5 ± 0.7   F2VkF0mF0
288.Iota Cephei   3.50206 ± 3   K0III
289.Gamma Sagittae   3.51258 ± 4   M0III
290.   SadalbariMu Pegasi   3.51106.1 ± 0.9   G8III
291.   RanaDelta Eridani   3.5229.49 ± 0.08   K0IV
292.   SubraOmicron Leonis   3.52135   F8-G0III+A7m
293.   (Tseen Ke)Phi Velorum   3.521,590 ± 90   B5Ib
294.Xi2 Sagittarii   3.52370 ± 20   G8/K0II/III
295.   BihamTheta Pegasi   3.5292 ± 2   A2V
296.   AinEpsilon Tauri   3.53147 ± 2   K0III
297.   TarfBeta Cancri   3.53290 ± 30   K4IIIBa1
298.Xi Hydrae   3.54129.6 ± 0.8   G7III
299.Mu Serpentis   3.54170 ± 3   A0V
300.Xi Serpentis   3.54105.3 ± 0.6   A9IIIp Sr