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procyon star,alpha ursae minoris

Procyon, Alpha Canis Minoris (α CMi), is the primary component in a binary star system located only 11.46 light-years from Earth in the constellation Canis… Read More »Procyon


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cursa star,beta eridani

Cursa, Beta Eridani (β Eri), is an A-type giant star located in the constellation Eridanus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.796, it is the second… Read More »Cursa


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wasp-96 star

WASP-96 is a yellow dwarf located about 1,160 light-years away in the constellation Phoenix. Shining at magnitude 12.2, it is invisible to the unaided eye.… Read More »WASP-96


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ankaa star,alpha phoenicis

Ankaa, Alpha Phoenicis (α Phe), is a spectroscopic binary star located in the southern constellation Phoenix. The primary component in the system is an orange… Read More »Ankaa