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canopus star,alpha carinae

Canopus, Alpha Carinae (α Car), is a white bright giant star located in the southern constellation Carina. With an apparent magnitude of -0.74, it is… Read More »Canopus


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sirius,sirius star,alpha canis majoris,brightest star in the sky

Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa), is the brightest star in the night sky and one of the nearest star systems to Earth. The blue-white… Read More »Sirius


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aldebaran star,alpha tauri,bull's eye star

Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri (α Tau), is an orange giant star located 65.3 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. With an apparent magnitude that varies from 0.75… Read More »Aldebaran


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alnilam star,epsilon orionis

Alnilam, Epsilon Orionis (ε Ori), is a bright blue supergiant star located approximately 1,180 light-years away in the constellation Orion. With an average apparent magnitude… Read More »Alnilam


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rigel,beta orionis

Rigel, Beta Orionis (β Ori), is a blue-white supergiant star located approximately 848 light-years away in the constellation Orion, the Hunter. With an apparent magnitude of… Read More »Rigel