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tarazed star,gamma aquilae

Tarazed, Gamma Aquilae (γ Aql), is an orange bright giant star located in the constellation Aquila (the Eagle). With an apparent magnitude of 2.712, it… Read More »Tarazed


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alshain star,beta aquilae

Alshain, Beta Aquilae A (β Aql A), is the primary component in a triple star system located in the northern constellation Aquila. With an apparent… Read More »Alshain


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okab star,zeta aquilae

Okab, Zeta Aquilae A (ζ Aql A), is the primary component in a binary star system located approximately 83 light years away in the constellation… Read More »Okab


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rasalgethi star,alpha herculis

Rasalgethi, Alpha Herculis A (α Her A) is a red supergiant or bright giant located in the northern constellation Hercules, near the border with Ophiuchus.… Read More »Rasalgethi


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zosma star,delta leonis

Zosma, Delta Leonis (δ Leo), is a white subgiant star located in the constellation Leo. With an apparent magnitude of 2.56, it is the fourth… Read More »Zosma


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gienah star,gamma corvi

Gienah, Gamma Corvi (γ Crv), is the primary component of a binary star system located in the constellation Corvus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.585,… Read More »Gienah