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sargas star,theta scorpii

Sargas, Theta Scorpii A (θ Sco A), is a white giant star located in the constellation Scorpius. It is the primary component of the Theta… Read More »Sargas


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suhail star,lambda velorum

Suhail, Lambda Velorum (λ Vel) is an orange supergiant star located in the constellation Vela. With an average apparent magnitude of 2.21, it is the… Read More »Suhail


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rasalhague star,alpha ophiuchi

Rasalhague, Alpha Ophiuchi (α Oph), is a binary star system located in the constellation Ophiuchus. It marks the head of the celestial Serpent Bearer. With… Read More »Rasalhague


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Alphecca star,Alpha Coronae Borealis

Alphecca, Alpha Coronae Borealis (α CrB), is the brightest star in the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. Also known as Gemma, Alpha CrB is… Read More »Alphecca


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canopus star,alpha carinae

Canopus, Alpha Carinae (α Car), is a white bright giant star located in the constellation Carina. With an apparent magnitude of -0.74, it is the… Read More »Canopus


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capella star,alpha aurigae

Capella, Alpha Aurigae (α Aur), is a quadruple star system located in the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. It is the brightest star in Auriga and… Read More »Capella


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spica star,alpha virginis,brightest star in virgo

Spica, Alpha Virginis (α Vir), is a blue-white spectroscopic binary star located at a distance of 250 light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo.… Read More »Spica