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sirius,sirius star,alpha canis majoris,brightest star in the sky

Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa), is the brightest star in the night sky and one of the nearest star systems to Earth. The blue-white… Read More »Sirius


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polaris star,north star,north pole star,pole star,alpha ursae minoris

Polaris, Alpha Ursae Minoris (α UMi), is a yellow supergiant located approximately 446 light-years away in the constellation Ursa Minor. It is the current North… Read More »Polaris


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zosma star,delta leonis

Zosma, Delta Leonis (δ Leo), is a white subgiant star located in the constellation Leo. With an apparent magnitude of 2.56, it is the fourth… Read More »Zosma


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pherkad star,gamma ursae minoris

Pherkad, Gamma Ursae Minoris (γ UMi), is a white giant or bright giant star located in the northern constellation Ursa Minor. With an apparent magnitude… Read More »Pherkad


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Kochab star,Beta Ursae Minoris

Kochab, Beta Ursae Minoris (β UMi), is an orange giant star located in the constellation Ursa Minor. With an apparent magnitude of 2.08, it is… Read More »Kochab


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regor star,gamma velorum

Gamma Velorum (γ Vel), informally known as Regor, is a multiple star system located in the southern constellation Vela. With a combined apparent magnitude of… Read More »Regor