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ankaa star,alpha phoenicis

Ankaa, Alpha Phoenicis (α Phe), is a spectroscopic binary star located in the southern constellation Phoenix. The primary component in the system is an orange… Read More »Ankaa


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sabik star,eta ophiuchi

Sabik, Eta Ophiuchi (η Oph), is a binary star system composed of two white subgiant stars located in the constellation Ophiuchus. With a combined apparent… Read More »Sabik


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zubenelgenubi star,alpha librae

Zubenelgenubi, Alpha2 Librae (α2 Lib), is a spectroscopic binary star located in the constellation Libra. It is the brighter component of the Alpha Librae system,… Read More »Zubenelgenubi


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suhail star,lambda velorum

Suhail, Lambda Velorum (λ Vel) is an orange supergiant star located in the constellation Vela. With an average apparent magnitude of 2.21, it is the… Read More »Suhail


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rasalhague star,alpha ophiuchi

Rasalhague, Alpha Ophiuchi (α Oph), is a binary star system located in the constellation Ophiuchus. It marks the head of the celestial Serpent Bearer. With… Read More »Rasalhague


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Alphecca star,Alpha Coronae Borealis

Alphecca, Alpha Coronae Borealis (α CrB), is the brightest star in the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. Also known as Gemma, Alpha CrB is… Read More »Alphecca


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markab star,alpha pegasi

Markab, Alpha Pegasi (α Peg), is a giant or subgiant star located in the constellation Pegasus. Even though it has the designation Alpha, it is… Read More »Markab