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diphda star,beta ceti

Diphda, Beta Ceti (β Cet), is a giant star located in the constellation Cetus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.02, it is the brightest star… Read More »Diphda


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markab star,alpha pegasi

Markab, Alpha Pegasi (α Peg), is a giant or subgiant star located in the constellation Pegasus. Even though it has the designation Alpha, it is… Read More »Markab


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scheat star,beta pegasi

Scheat, Beta Pegasi (β Peg) is a red giant star located in the constellation Pegasus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.42, it is the second… Read More »Scheat


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alnair star,alpha gruis

Alnair, Alpha Gruis (α Gru), is a blue-white main sequence star located in the constellation Grus. With an apparent magnitude of 1.74, it is the… Read More »Alnair


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spica star,alpha virginis,brightest star in virgo

Spica, Alpha Virginis (α Vir), is a blue-white spectroscopic binary star located at a distance of 250 light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo.… Read More »Spica


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mimosa star,beta crucis,becrux

Mimosa, Beta Crucis (β Cru), is a multiple star system located in the constellation Crux.  With an apparent magnitude of 1.25, it is the second… Read More »Mimosa


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castor star,alpha geminorum

Castor, Alpha Geminorum (α Gem), is a sextuple star system located in the constellation Gemini. It is composed of three binary pairs designated Castor A,… Read More »Castor