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Wasat star,Delta Geminorum

Wasat, Delta Geminorum (δ Gem) is the primary component in a triple star system located in the constellation Gemini. The star system has a combined… Read More »Wasat


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alhena star,gamma geminorum

Alhena, Gamma Geminorum (γ Gem), is a spectroscopic binary star system located in the northern constellation Gemini. With an apparent magnitude of 1.915, it is… Read More »Alhena


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menkar star,alpha ceti

Menkar, Alpha Ceti (α Cet), is a red giant star located in the constellation Cetus, the Whale. It is one of the stars that outline… Read More »Menkar


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diphda star,beta ceti

Diphda, Beta Ceti (β Cet), is a giant star located in the constellation Cetus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.02, it is the brightest star… Read More »Diphda


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denebola star,beta leonis

Denebola, Beta Leonis (β Leo), is a white main sequence star located in the constellation Leo. With an apparent magnitude of 2.113, it is the… Read More »Denebola


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alphard star,alpha hydrae

Alphard, Alpha Hydrae (α Hya) is an orange giant or bright giant star located in the constellation Hydra. With an apparent magnitude of 2.00, it… Read More »Alphard


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menkalinan star,beta aurigae

Menkalinan, Beta Aurigae (β Aur), is a binary star located in the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. With a combined apparent magnitude of 1.90, it is… Read More »Menkalinan