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Proxima Centauri


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sirius,sirius star,alpha canis majoris,brightest star in the sky

Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa), is the brightest star in the night sky and one of the nearest star systems to Earth. The blue-white… Read More »Sirius

AU Microscopii

au microscopii star

AU Microscopii is a red dwarf star located 31.683 light-years away in the southern constellation Microscopium. With an apparent magnitude of 8.627, it is invisible… Read More »AU Microscopii

Ross 128

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ross 128 star

Ross 128 is a faint red dwarf star located in the zodiac constellation Virgo. Lying only 11.007 light-years away, it is the 14th individual closest… Read More »Ross 128

Wolf 359

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wolf 359 star,cn leonis,gj 406

Wolf 359 (CN Leonis) is a faint red dwarf located only 7.86 light years away in the constellation Leo. It is one of the nearest… Read More »Wolf 359