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mirzam star,beta canis majoris

Mirzam, Beta Canis Majoris (β CMa), is a blue-white giant or bright giant star located in the constellation Canis Major. With an average apparent magnitude… Read More »Mirzam


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canopus star,alpha carinae

Canopus, Alpha Carinae (α Car), is a white bright giant star located in the constellation Carina. With an apparent magnitude of -0.74, it is the… Read More »Canopus


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avior star,epsilon carinae

Avior, Epsilon Carinae (ε Car), is a double star located in the southern constellation Carina. With a combined apparent magnitude of 1.86, the star system… Read More »Avior


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mirfak star,alpha persei

Mirfak, Alpha Persei (α Per) is a yellow supergiant star located in the constellation Perseus. With an apparent magnitude of 1.806, it is the brightest… Read More »Mirfak


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adhara star,epsilon canis majoris

Adhara, Epsilon Canis Majoris (ε CMa), is a binary star system located in the constellation Canis Major. It lies at a distance of 430 light… Read More »Adhara

Kaus Australis

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Kaus Australis star,Epsilon Sagittarii

Kaus Australis, Epsilon Sagittarii (ε Sgr), is a binary star located in the constellation Sagittarius. With an apparent magnitude of 1.85, it is the constellation’s… Read More »Kaus Australis