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Yed Posterior

Zeta Ophiuchi

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zeta ophiuchi star

Zeta Ophiuchi (ζ Oph) is a hot blue subgiant star located 366 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. With an apparent magnitude of 2.57, it… Read More »Zeta Ophiuchi


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Kornephoros star,Beta Herculis

Kornephoros, Beta Herculis (β Her), is a luminous yellow giant star located in the constellation Hercules. With an apparent magnitude of 2.81, it is the… Read More »Kornephoros


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Marfik star,Lambda Ophiuchi

Marfik, Lambda Ophiuchi A (λ Oph A), is the primary component of the Lambda Ophiuchi triple star system. Located at an approximate distance of 173… Read More »Marfik


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unukalhai star,alpha serpentis

Unukalhai, Alpha Serpentis (α Ser), is an orange giant star located in the constellation Serpens. With an apparent magnitude of 2.623, it is the constellation’s… Read More »Unukalhai