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Zeta Herculis


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rasalgethi star,alpha herculis

Rasalgethi, Alpha Herculis A (α Her A) is a red supergiant or bright giant located in the northern constellation Hercules, near the border with Ophiuchus.… Read More »Rasalgethi


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Kornephoros star,Beta Herculis

Kornephoros, Beta Herculis (β Her), is a luminous yellow giant star located in the constellation Hercules. With an apparent magnitude of 2.81, it is the… Read More »Kornephoros

Zeta Reticuli

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zeta reticuli star system

Zeta Reticuli (ζ Ret) is a wide double star located in the southern constellation Reticulum. The star system is composed of two Sun-like stars, Zeta1… Read More »Zeta Reticuli


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Alphecca star,Alpha Coronae Borealis

Alphecca, Alpha Coronae Borealis (α CrB), is the brightest star in the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. Also known as Gemma, Alpha CrB is… Read More »Alphecca